Dr. Madelaine Moore in Zurich and Bern

In spring 2023, Dr. Madelaine Moore published her book «Water struggles as resistance to neoliberal capitalism - A time of reproductive unrest» .

Invited by Blue Community and the University of Zurich, Dr. Moore came to Switzerland beginning of October 2023.

Monday, Oktober 9, 2023, 12h: Lecture at Zurich University (Irchel) as part of the BSc-Course "Wasser und Mensch".

Tuesday, Oktober 10, 2023, 16-17h: Seminar at Zurich University (Irchel) as part of the seminar series "Forum2to3",

Tuesday, Oktober 10, 2023, 19.15h: Blue Community in the Limmattal. Public event by SP Limmattal.

Wednesday, Oktober 11, 2023, 12h: Brownbag session at Bern University.

Here you can read a text of Madelaine Moore about her book.

Blue Community cofounder Maude Barlow states on this book: «The planet's water is in peril, seen as a resource for the global economy at the service of transnational capital. In her powerful new book, Madelaine Moore shows us that water does not exist outside the politics and culture that shapes our core values. To protect water and the human right to water requires a profound commitment to social change and true democracy from the ground up. »

details on Dr. Madelaine Moore:

Postdoctoral Researcher
German and Transnational Social Policy Working Group
Department of Sociology, The University of Bielefeld

Recent Publications:
2023, 'A Time of Reproductive Unrest: The Articulation of Capital Accumulation, Social Reproduction and the Irish State.' New Political Economy
2022, Altun, S., Caiconte, C., Moore, M., Morton, A., Scanlan, R., Ryan, M., Smidt, A., 'The Life Nerve of the Dialectic: György Lukács and the Metabolism of Space and Nature.' Review of International Political Economy
2021, 'Liquid Gold or the Source of Life: Understanding water commodification as a contradictory and contested political project', Globalizations
2021, Moore, M., Trommer, S. ‘Critical Europeans in an age of Crisis’, Journal of Common Market Studies Moore

Ref. Kirchen Bern-Jura-Solothurn / Verband Schweizer Abwasser- und Gewässerschutzfachleute / Service de l’Eau Lausanne