Blue Universities & Highschools
Since the University of Bern became a Blue Community as the first Swiss university in September 2013, other universities and colleges have joined:
- University of Bern (September 2013) --> Information UBE as a Blue Community
- University of St. Gallen (September 2016) --> HSG 2023 report on its water-related activities (German only)
- St. Gallen University of Teacher Education (September 2016) --> Information under Sustainable University
- Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (September 2016)
- University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (July 2018) --> Information under Sustainability
- University of Zurich (May 2022) --> Information in the Sustainability Report 2023 / Links about Blue Community activities
The universities and colleges thus form their own cluster within the Blue Community network and also network with each other. In part, the universities are simply a Blue Community as an institution. At some universities, however, specific departments are additionally involved. At the University of Zurich, for example, these are the Department of Geography, Hydrology and Climate, the Commission for Sustainability with the UZH Sustainability Team and the UZH Center for Human Rights Studies (MRZ).
There is also cooperation and exchange with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH in Zurich and with the research institute of the ETH, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology Eawag.
This Blue University network has been joined by universities abroad that have become a Blue Community in recent years:
- Brescia University College, Ontario, Canada
- Cegep de Saint-Jérôme, Québec, Canada
- Huron University College, London, Ontario, Canada
- McGill University, Québec, Canada
- Philipps-Universität in Marburg, Germany. Information about Blue Community activities
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brasil. Information about Blue Community activities
- University of St. Michael’s College, in the University of Toronto, Canada. Information about Blue Community activities
- Universidad de Leon, Spain
- Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brasil
- St. Paul University, Ottawa, Canada
- UCLouvain, Saint-Louis Brussels, Belgium
In France, a Université Bleu project is in preparation, involving the Sorbonne and other universities.
The Blue University network is open to all universities and colleges that make a self-declaration of their commitment to the Blue Community.
We welcome any new member to the network.
Contact to single universities/colleges and information about the network by mail: Roland Brunner
Second international exchange among Blue Universities scheduled
Based on a poll among representatives of Blue Universities, a second exchange is scheduled for April 8, 2024, at 14h UTC,
Preliminary topics on the agenda:
- Update: What happened at your university since our first exchange? Activities for world water day 2024? Highlights?
- Best practice: What is so far the most successful measure taken to implement the Blue Community principles at your university?
- Database on research/teaching.
- any other topics (we kindly invite you to come up with your suggestion for topics to be discussed)
- Next exchange
The video-link will be sent some days ahead of the session.
Information and contact for interested participants: mail to Roland Brunner, Blue Community Zurich
Successful first international exchange

Several universities in Switzerland are part of the Blue Community family. The first exchange between these Swiss Blue Universities took place at the beginning of September 2023, organized by the sustainability team at the University of St. Gallen. The next exchange will take place at the beginning of 2024, organized by the Sustainability Office of the University of Zurich.
On October 23, 2023, the Blue Universities held their first international exchange via video conference. Around 20 representatives from 13 universities in Brazil, Canada, Spain, France and Switzerland took part. Maude Barlow opened the meeting and expressed her joy and hope that this exchange would promote cooperation between the universities and spread to other universities. After a detailed round of introductions in which the universities presented their activities on the human right to water and sanitation, everyone was convinced that this exchange should be built upon. The next meeting is due to take place in April 2024. Until then, however, there will not be silence. Documents will be exchanged via an online folder and a survey will show where concrete projects, research and teaching are taking place at the universities.
Short summary/minutes of the first international Blue University exchange (PDF)
Database on water related projects, research and lectures done by Blue Universities